PT. Sigma Utama


The anti-radar detection paint (CADR) produced by the National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) and PT Sigma Utama will be applied to PT Pindad's defense equipment products, following the CADR Cooperation Agreement between BRIN, PT Pindad, and PT Sigma Utama, which was signed together in the Auditorium Room of PT Pindad, Bandung, Wednesday, March 20, 2024.

President Director of PT Sigma Utama . Benny Frengki Simanjuntak in his speech said that he was proud to be able to support PT Pindad and the defense industry which is very strategic and is the pride of Indonesia. With this collaboration, it will further strengthen BUMN relations and produce added value for Indonesia in the defense industry.

Director of Technology and Development of PT Pindad Sigit P. Santosa hopes that this research collaboration will not only be on the science memory side, but will continue on the items of defense equipment produced by PT Pindad which will be an extraordinary achievement because this CADR research becomes a teaching lab for each researcher who also directly enters downstream, industrial partnerships, and support from the Education Fund Management Institution (LPDP).