The collaboration between PT Sigma Utama with National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) in terms of Research Development Cooperation of Smart Magnetic Pigments and Anti-Radar Detection Paints in Support of the main tools of Defense Weapons System (ALUTSISTA) was reopened this year, where the signing ceremonial was held on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at R&D Center Building of PT Sigma Utama, Cibinong, Bogor.
The signing of cooperation was carried out by the President Director of Sigma Utama Mr Benny Frengki Simanjuntak and Head of Advanced Material Research, Dr. Wahyu Bambang Widayatno. Also present at the signing ceremony were the Board of Commissioners of PT Sigma Utama with staff, Team of Experts from BRIN Prof. DR Wisnu Ari Adi and staff of BRIN.
The agreed cooperation covering the provision of raw materials research, supply of raw material for combat vehicles prototype, testing of anti-radar detection paint, manufacture of anti - radar combat vehicle prototype, the application of radar anti-detection paint to combat vehicles prototype.
Sigma Utama and BRIN are committed to delivering the best work in the field of research and development of anti-radar detection paint as an effort to support durability of Defense Weapons System (ALUTSISTA).