PT. Sigma Utama

Company History

Establishment of Lindeteves Pieterschon & Zoon NV Oleh Lindeteves NV.

(01.) 1932

The Indonesian government took over Lindeteves Pieterschon & Zoon NV through Decree Letter PPDSI No. 13/290/SF/1958.

(02.) 1958

PN Tulus Bakti
According to Trade Affairs Agency Instruction No. 721/DIR/BUD/59 

(03.) 1959

PN Tulus Bakti
Division IX, Paint & Varnish Management 

(04.) 1962

Unit of BPU Niaga Paint & Varnish Management Minister of Trade Decree No. 376/M/SK/64.

(05.) 1965

Pabrik Cat Utama
PP No.32 tahun 1965

(06.) 1965

PT. Pengolahan Cat dan Pernis Pabrik Cat Utama (Persero)
PP No.23 tahun 1969

(07.) 1969

Becomes a subsidiary of PT Mega Eltra

(08.) 1979

PT Sigma Utama
Cooperation/license agreement with Sigma Coating BV Netherlands.

(09.) 1980

Factory relocation from Jl. Hayam Wuruk, Jakarta to Cibinong.

(10.) 1982

Terminating the license cooperation with Sigma Coating BV and operating independently until now.

(11.) 1995

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0218756310, 0218756311, 0218753043
Jl. Lanbau No. 1, Kp. Gudang, Kel. Karang Asem Barat - Kec. Citeureup. Kab. Bogor - Jawa Barat (16810).